I'm Himanshu, a
"Fueled by a fascination for untangling complex problems, I am a final-year Computer Science and Engineering student at Sardar Beant Singh State University. My journey into the world of code began in high school, and since then, I've delved into the fascinating realms of Machine Learning, Data Science, and Software Development. With a competitive spirit honed through hundreds of coding challenges, I'm on a mission to leverage technology to solve real-world problems and push the boundaries of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning."

I'm a highly motivated final-year BTech student in Computer Science Engineering at Sardar Beant Singh State University, currently boasting an impressive GPA of 8.85. My journey into the world of technology began in 11th grade when I discovered the power of programming. Starting with Python, I embarked on a self-directed learning path, building projects to solidify my understanding. Upon entering college, I delved deeper into competitive programming, mastering C++. This experience not only strengthened my coding skills but also honed my problem-solving abilities. My passion then led me to explore the exciting fields of Machine Learning and Data Science. During my second-year summer break, I actively pursued knowledge in these areas, culminating in projects that showcased my practical application of the concepts learned. Further solidifying my interest, I took the initiative to secure a Machine Learning and Data Analyst internship at The Sparks Foundation. This valuable experience provided me with hands-on exposure to the practical world of data analysis. To date, I've tackled over 250 problems on LeetCode, demonstrating my perseverance and dedication to algorithmic problem solving. Additionally, I've achieved the commendable status of a 3-star coder on CodeChef, a testament to my competitive programming skills. Looking ahead, my unwavering goal lies in advancing the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. I aspire to leverage my technical expertise to make a significant impact on the world through innovative solutions.
B.Tech in Computer Science
Concentration in Engineering
Sardar Beant Singh State University
Expected Graduation Date: May 2025Higher Education (Score 91.2%)
Pursued Non-Medical
Kendriya Vidhyalaya No.2
March 2021Secondary Education(Score 87.2%)
CBSE Board
Shri Guru Harkrishan Public School
March 2019Experience - Computer Science
Internship at The Sparks Foundation
Machine Learning Internship
Remote - The Sparks Foundation
Sep 2023 - Oct 2023Internship at The Sparks Foundation
Data Science Internship
Remote - The Sparks Foundation
Jun 2023 - Jul 2023Internship at Lets Grow More
Machine Learning Internship
Remote - Lets Grow More
Jul 2023 - Sep 2023Training at Internshala
Machine Learning
Remote - Internshala
Jul 2023 - Oct 2023Internship at Unschool
Social Media Marketing Intern
Remote - Unschool
Jun 2022 — Aug 2023Achievements
● 3 ☆ Coder at CodeChef
● 300+ Problems Solved on LeetCode
● Two time HDFC Badhte Kadam Scholarship Awardee
● 7K+ Connections on Linkedin
● Winner of a Coding Competition Organized by CTS at the University Level
Technical Competencies
These are technical skills that I have aquired thus far in my computer science career.
I am not claiming to be a master in all of these skills, that would be amazing, but it is simply not true.
With that said, I am confident that I can hold a position that utilizes any of the following competencies and increase my mastery in any of these skills if needed.
Python, C++,Java, C, Bash, MySQL, Assembly, HTML, CSS, JSON, YAML, MATLAB.
Coding Methodologies
Test-Driven-Development, Agile, Clean Code, Useful Comments, Ability to adhere to ISO and other standards.
Project Management
GitHub, Jupyter, Presentation Skills, Cross-Team Communication, Great Sense of Humor.
Software Engineering, Software Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Buisiness Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, Ideation, Natural Language Processing (LLM)
Relevant Courses
Data Structures, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Design, Operating Systems, Computer Organization, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Calculus + Linear Algebra for Data Science, Data Mining.
Windows, Virtual Machines, Kubernetes, Docker, Bootstrap, MariaDB, JSON, Anaconda, Numpy, MatPlotLib, Pandas, PyTorch, Tensorflow, Transformers, GPT, Generative AI Tools
My latest projects
See my GitHub> for actual details on the following projects. This is also most likely not up to date like most personal websites.
PlagX: LeetCode Plagiarism Checker
This project involves creating an automated tool for detecting plagiarism in LeetCode coding contests. It crawls contest data, gathers user submissions, and processes them using advanced algorithms to identify code similarities that may indicate plagiarism. The tool generates detailed reports on metrics like similarity levels, potential sources of copied code, and submission timestamps. These reports are then uploaded to GitHub, ensuring the data is accessible, version-controlled, and can be seamlessly shared with stakeholders like contest administrators.
FraudGuard: Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm
The project addresses the challenge faced by organizations like Bajaj Finserv Health Ltd., which manage a high volume of medical invoices, prescriptions, and lab reports from various providers and customers.This system utilizes Optical Character Recognition (OCR) extracts text, while computer vision techniques map document layout. Then, SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) cleverly matches documents to pre-defined templates, even with variations. This intelligent matching helps identify potential fraud for further investigation.
Data Analysis With Himanshu
The Data Analysis with Himanshu project is a Flask-based company website that showcases
various data analysis services offered by Himanshu. The website provides insights into
different data analysis techniques, case studies, and projects completed by Himanshu.
Here user can Login and Register using credentials and contact company for any service
The primary purpose of this website is to promote Himanshu's expertise in data
analysis and attract potential clients interested in leveraging data for business
insights and decision-making.
Exploratory Data Analysis : Retail Dataset
Discover the secrets hidden within retail data with our analysis that dives into sales
trends, customer demographics, and product performance, utilizing advanced statistical
techniques and visualizations to uncover actionable insights. From data cleaning to
dynamic visualization, explore how analysis strategic decisions can enhance business
This Project contains code for an Exploratory Data Analysis project in the
retail domain. EDA is a crucial step in the data analysis process that involves
exploring and understanding the data before making any data-driven decisions.
Decision Tree Classifier Algorithm
The project aims to leverage the Iris dataset, a staple in machine learning and statistics comprising 150 samples of iris flowers categorized into three species (setosa, versicolor, and virginica) with four features: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. The primary goal is to preprocess this dataset and train a Decision Tree Classifier, a supervised learning algorithm that classifies data by recursively splitting it based on the most significant attributes. Using scikit-learn, implementing and training the classifier, followed by evaluating its performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, visualizing the decision tree.
Sentiment Analysis With NLP
This project helps users understand the emotional tone behind textual data using Python. With the exponential growth of online content, sentiment analysis has become crucial for businesses, researchers, and individuals to gain insights from unstructured text. This project performs sentiment analysis on 150 blog posts scraped from various websites. By leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning models, the project predicts the sentiments of these blog posts. Web scraping tools such as BeautifulSoup and Scrapy were used to collect the blog posts.
Image to Pencil Sketch Conversion
This project transforms a regular image into a realistic pencil sketch using OpenCV (cv2). The process includes converting the image to grayscale, applying a Gaussian blur, and using edge detection to highlight the outlines for the sketch. Implemented in Python, it is accessible to a wide range of users and serves as a practical example of image processing and computer vision techniques. This tool showcases the powerful capabilities of OpenCV and Python for creating artistic visual effects, this pencil sketch conversion tool demonstrates the powerful capabilities of OpenCV and the versatility of Python in handling image processing tasks.
Contact Me
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Contact me today and let's turn your ideas into achievements.
Interested in discussing opportunities?
Feel free to reach out. I look
forward to connecting with you!
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Got a project you think we'd work well together on?
Drop me a line and let's
make it happen.